Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm a BIG kid now!!

So we decided to start feeding Chad solids... our doctor recommends starting at 4 months, and he will be 4 months old next Tuesday but we don't see the doctor for his 4 month check up until the beginning of December due to his patient size and how busy this season is. Since Chad is already eating 6 ounces every three hours on a regular basis we thought we might see how well he did with solid food. So I was off to the store for Rice Cereal... YUM-Oh, right?

Chad did SO well... he ate about half of what I fixed him! We hope that he continues to do well on the rice cereal, but I don't think we will start on Veggies until after we have seen the doctor and can tell him how he is doing on the Rice Cereal. YUMMY!
Clean up on aisle 12?!?
Had to include a picture of my little man Gibson-ian!
And yet another picture of little Chadder... he is getting SO big!

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